Exhibition: CRUX, a Dialogue in Metal

A Metalwork Exhibition With Gunvor Anhøj, Michael Calnan, Moss Gaynor, John Hogan and Jane Murtagh. April 4th - June 4th, 2017
Take five noted practicing craft and design artists, each individually recognized for their creative skills and master craftsmanship in all things metal art, combine the product of their individual hand-crafted toil into one overall collection and the result is some of the nest contemporary art metalsmith work to be found in Ireland today gathered under one roof in an engaging exhibition entitled CRUX - A Dialogue in Metal. The lively variety of artistic styles on display is one of the strengths of this exhibition - an artistic dialogue created when contrasts of simple plain surface shape is juxtaposed alongside detailed intricate re nement; of when beautiful natural sweeping curves are seen side by side with intricate decorated adornments; of the dialogue of etched pattern and sculptured hard edges, contrasted with earthen hues and subtle outlines of low surface relief impressions. All this dialogue is subject to change in form dependent on the perspective of the viewer and the ambient light that surrounds each art piece at any given time.